Privacy Policy


The developer, SoftSid, takes your privacy very seriously.

SoftSid uses no third-party analytics or advertising frameworks, logs no information on you and has no interest in doing so.

SoftSid does not collect, store, distribute or sell your data.


Dream is built on the Unity game engine.

Dream does not use Unity Analytics or Ads.

“Unity may collect some or all of the following information about your device: unique device identifiers (e.g., Android ID for Android devices); IP address; country of install (mapped from IP address); device manufacturer and model platform type (iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, etc.) and the operating system and version running on your system or device; language; CPU information such as model, the number of CPUs present, frequency, and instruction set support flags; the graphics card type and vendor name; graphics card driver name and version (e.g., “nv4disp.dll”); which graphics API is in use (e.g., “OpenGL 2.1” or “Direct3D 9.0c”); amount of system and video RAM present; current screen resolution; version of the Unity Editor used to create the game; sensor flags (e.g., device support for gyroscope, touch pressure or accelerometer); application or bundle identification (“app ID”) of the game installed; unique advertising identifiers provided for iOS and Android devices (e.g., IDFA or Android Ad ID); and a checksum of all the data that gets sent to verify that it transmitted correctly.

Unity Privacy Policy -