Eggg Hunter Command:
Select from your team of 7 female & 7 male hunters.
Edit name, rig colour, hair style and colour.
View total team egggs and flag.
View selected hunter's home portal colour, health, fight power, fly time remaining and egggs.
Click on portal ring, flag or button.
Select the island that you want as this hunter's home.
This is where the hunter's castle will be to store egggs.
This can not be changed once the hunter has been deployed.
Click or un-click "Do fly-by over first terrain".
This is useful to get an overview of the island before playing but you may prefer to get straight into the game.
Select your team's flag shape, colour and emblem.
It is flown from each side of all your team's castles.
If playing online you need to know this in order to find your own castle.
Also shown is a view of your teams egggs collected so far.
Also a "History" button to show your best 4 deceased hunters.
Get Around:
Tilt to steer.
Tap an eggg to pick it up or drop it.
Camera controls on the left.
Fly and X-Ray controls top right.
Up and down controls bottom right.
There are 3 portals on each island - Cyan, Magenta and Yellow.
Just walk, run or jump through the portal ring to transport to a different island.
Cyan portals transport to Cryton or Corion randomly.
Magenta portals transport to Mahara or Magira randomly.
Yellow portals transport to Yoriol or Yaria randomly.
There are 6 terrians or islands.
If you wish for example to go to Yaria then use a yellow portal.
If you end up at Yoriol then just turn around and re-enter the yellow portal to get to Yaria.
The name of the island you are on is shown on the portal (not the island it ports to (which could be one of two).
Approach the eggg so your hunter is directly facing it.
When close the eggg will sparkle.
Tap the eggg to pick it up.
After you have picked up an eggg you may use it or fly to your castle (on your hunter's home terrain) to store it to gain points.
To use it click the button bottom right.
Green egggs provide more health.
Red egggs provide more fight power.
Blue egggs provide more fly & X-ray time.
Gold egggs are 3 times more valuable and provide all 3 gains!
Each hunter must store as many egggs as possible to gain more team points.
Green, red and blue egggs = 1 point.
Gold egggs = 3 points.
Maximum 6 gold egggs = 18 points for each hunter.
Fly with an eggg to your castle.
Walk and directly face any of the 6 cups.
Tap the eggg to drop it into the cup.
Dangerous when on the ground.
Fight, fly or run away.
Dangerous - try to avoid them when flying.
They lay egggs on their roost stones and elsewhere.
Fight them off and steal the egggs.
Dangerous or lethal!
Run to a portal to escape until the storm passes.
Tap the orc, troll or pteranodon to shoot a fireball (if you have enough power).
When close to another player, tap to hit or kick.
If not close then shoot a fireball (if you have enough power).
A pteranodon or other player may land on your castle to destroy or steal egggs.
Tap the castle to launch a power bolt against them (if you have enough power).
Find your castle, all portals and all roosts.
The map button also shows the portal colour of your hunter's home terrain.
You have a team of 14.
Good Luck!